Tobi Grimm was born 33 years ago in Neunkirchen, Germany. He wanted to study medicine– so he worked as a paramedic after high-school, while waiting for a place at the university. His shifts were 24hours long followed by 48hours free time, which he used to work in an small advertising agency. Over time he realized, that beeing a doctor is boring in comparison to beeing an adman.
So he startet his professional ad-career in 2001 as junior copywriter at LOWE. Followed by three years at Philipp und Keuntje winning first awards. Luckily 2005 Jung von Matt called, where he became after a short time the youngest Creative Director and two years later the youngest ECD in JvM-History.
Tobi was honored with numerous awards for clients like EDEKA, MINI, Audi, Mercedes and the Concerthouse Dortmund at international advertising festivals: Cannes, ADC Europe (also Grand Prix), OneShow, Clio, New York Festivals etc. He’s member of the ADC and judged many awards.