Video report of the 16th KIAF

Top 5 most successful production studios on the results of the 16th KIAF

The rating of KIAF participants: the top 32

Results of 16th KIAF

Non-Consumers Party - only for understanding advertisers

Videoinstitute of marketing and advertising on the Best Marketing Practices

The first documentary film about advertising and Non-consumers Party on the 16th KIAF

The first day of Best Marketing Practices: best innovative solutions

Important information for international guests

Best Marketing Practices: updated program

Tomorrow is last day for KIAF entry registration

The program of the Best Marketing Practices

Chairmen of KIAF creative and craft jury

Creative week in May

Don’t panic: deadline is extended to April 30

Ad video for KIAF

Best Marketing Practices conference at KIAF

64 jury members of KIAF from 31 countries

The KIAF Jury Chairmen of DESIGN and DIGITAL&MOBILE Contests

First names of FILM&RADIO/PRINT&POSTER jury


First part of FILM&RADIO CRAFT jury

Representatives of DIGITAL & MOBILE jury

Adventa LOWE: «The consumers won’t get it!»

Launch of 16th Kyiv International Advertising Festival!